Intele.net is a Web Design and SEO company based in Ålesund, Norway. We have vast experience in designing websites in Drupal, Joomla, Dreamweaver, Photoshop and WordPress. Intele.net is focusing on mainly small to medium sized businesses. Although we can not guarantee top 10 places in the search engines, we will definitely do our best and also inform your company what you can do yourself to achieve great rankings at affordable prices.
Latest design and SEO projects
Stavangerhotell.weebly.com is a website about hotels in Stavanger. Intele.net performed some on-site SEO to this website.
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Hotelltromso.weebly.com is another hotel website that we helped get indexed in major search engines.
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Kobenhavnhotell.weebly.com is about accomodation in Copenhagen, Denmark. Intele.net has helped with both offsite and onsite SEO for this particular website.
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Through Hotellertrondheim.weebly.com visitors can book a hotel in Trondheim in Norway. We helped with a more search engine friendly design for this website.
Bergenhotell.weebly.com is a website about hotels in Bergen, Norway. Intele.net helped with choosing an appropiate template and the right content.
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The website hotelloslo.wordpress.com is a popular website for hotel bookings in Oslo. Intele.net helped with the design.
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Hotellgardermoen.wordpress.com is a website about airport hotels near Oslo. Intele.net provided all the content to this website.
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We did both the design and SEO for Hotellstavanger.wordpress.com. The website is very new so therefore not ranking well yet.
Rebelmouse.com/minleiebilguide/ is a car hire guide for car rental in Greece and Malaga. We provided the content to this website.
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Bilutleie.bravesites.com is created through Bravesites which is a fantastic blog platform that makes it very easy to set up a website.
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Raskfinans.com – Forbrukslån is website about personal loans. The website is in Norwegian and hosted on a Dutch server.
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Bilutleieguiding.yolasite.com is created with Yolasite.com which is a nother microblog platform that we really like.